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During summer 1989, I have been travelling around Nicaragua on an insect collecting mission for the Entomological Museum of León. I was working alone and had to quickly pick up the language.

In 1990, I stayed for three months in Dajabón, Dominican Republic, preparing my diploma work as agricultural engineer. I was working for a Dominican company and had all my contacts in Spanish.

I then met my Spanish spouse in 1998 and have been living full-time in Madrid since 2003, swapping my Central American accent for the original Madrileño. I am also very fond of Spanish and Latin American authors, reading mostly in Spanish for leisure nowadays.

Also, the common Latin origin between Spanish and French - my first language - make technical documents in Spanish perfectly understandable to me.

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  *This site has not been translated to German yet.
     However, translations from German to French are offered.